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Char :)

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

*** Review*** Their Newborn Gift by Nikki Logan

On the Back of the Book

One big secret...

When Lea became accidentally pregnant she decided that she would go it alone. Rodeo star Reilly wasn't the sort of man who'd want to be tied down. But five years later she needs to tell him her secret...

One tiny blessing...

Learning he's a daddy is bittersweet for Reilly, because his little girl is fighting to survive. Her only hope is a new brother or sister. Can he and Lea create a newborn miracle - and a future together?

Pre Read Thoughts

I found this for free on the Kindle and after reading the synopsis I decided that it was probably worth giving it a go, I mean if I didn’t like it, it wouldn’t have cost me anything.  I’m not a fan of babies so the cover isn’t something that I’d take much notice of. It was the title and the synopsis that made me click download in the end.

Post Read Thoughts

I actually really enjoyed this and I wasn’t expecting to. I thought it was well written and even though it got a bit too sweet for me in places, had a good plot to it. I liked the fact that it broke a couple of Mills & Boon stereotypes for me. I didn’t even realise it was one until I saw a bigger version of the cover. I also thought it was easy to read and after a while I forgot that I wasn’t reading a proper book. I did see a couple of issues with the typing but there wasn’t anything too crazy.

Lea – she’s the leading lady and I didn’t know what to make of her at first because of her hard exterior, but once I’d got past her front and saw that all she wanted was the best for her daughter, I began to respect her a lot more. I kind of got why her past had made her so closed to having Reilly in her baby’s life from the start but I think that she should’ve given him that chance. As her walls came down he proved himself more than worthy.

Reilly – I really wasn’t a fan of Reilly at first, his actions were disgusting and nothing condones them for me. I could see that he loved his newly discovered daughter but I hated what he’d said and I couldn’t get past it. As the story progressed, my initial thoughts of him changed and I saw that underneath the gruffenss there was a good man with a big heart. He also had a bad past and his understanding towards Lea is part of what made him so close to perfect in the end.

Overall this is a lovely story that had the perfect happy ending. It did get a bit soppy for me in places, but that’s because I don’t normally read this genre, I managed to cope with it because a lot of it surrounded the little girl (whose name I’ve forgotten). I thought Lea and Reilly had great chemistry and I was really rooting for them to get it on long before they did. This was quite a quick read but I did enjoy it.

My Rating

4 stars – I liked this so much more than I thought I would. It’s nice to get a pleasant surprise from a book. It was also a  lovely break from what I normally like to read. I recommend this to fans of romance novels. If you look it might still be free on Kindle. 

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