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Char :)

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Numbers by Rachel Ward

On the Back of the Book

Since the day her mother died, Jem has known about the numbers. When she looks in someone's eyes, she can see the date they will die.

Life is hard, until she meets a boy called Spider. Suddenly her world seems brighter.

But on a trip to London, Jem foresees a chain events that will shatter their lives forever...

My Thoughts

Numbers suffers from something I may have to call Synopsis-itis. The synopsis gives you such a small glimpse into the book and the intricate story that it can be easily misconstrued. This isn't a love story, there may be a love story within the pages but it's secondary. At the heart of this book is life and death... and everything in between. It's not a story for everyone but for those who don't want to read yet another paranormal romance or urban fantasy this is worth a shot.

Jem is a strong main character and by that I mean that she's real and you can see her and you can feel her emotions. She's angry at the world and everything in it but as she develops and the walls come tumbling down you see her mature and you realise that she's a wonderful character to be in the head of. The other main character is Spider, he's the same age as Jem and the two of them meet down by the river one day. Spider is another of those characters that is so real it feels as though you can reach out and touch them.

This book is definitely a really good book and there's no doubt about it. The whole thing played like a movie in my head and I know that when that happens I'm going to adore the book. For me this was more than words on a page, it was an adventure and a lesson on life in Britain in the aftermath of terrorist attacks. The final 70 pages were a breeze to get through. The climax was just so anti-YA and that was refreshing.

My Rating

4 stars - This book isn't perfect but it's pretty close. The initial pace is quite slow but as events unfold the pace picks up quickly and you're thrown in the deep end a bit.

A Final Note

There is sex and swearing in this, including the F-word. I wouldn't recommend giving this to an under 14.

Also my friend Tara over at Basically Books has also recently reviewed the book you can find her review here

  • Book summary from the back of the book
  • Image from Google

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