My policy is here

I can't wait to hear from you!

Also if you're a YA author and are interested in being involved with an Indie August event I'm planning please email me!!

I need books to review and give away! I also want some of you lovely people to interview!!

Char :)

Sunday, 7 April 2013

***Poetry I've Written*** Stolen Voice

Today's poem is something I cobbled together since my muse has taken a holiday. Slightly rude of it if I'm honest. Who said it could run away?

I feel the darkness closing in,
Pray tell, when will this end?
Moments stolen, the only light,
As I won’t drown forevermore.

Give me a new name and I am reborn,
Like a phoenix I’m living in the flames,
Just to rise and not fall,
Something I’ve always wanted to do.

I wish... oh how I wish,
That things had turned out different.
In another world I think they did,
Life has never been so unfair.

I don’t like these words,
The wrongness drips from the tip of my pen.
My voice has been stolen,
Now what am I going to say?

1 comment:

Trish @ Between My Lines said...

Love your poetry Char, I can tell it comes straight from your heart and that makes it powerful.

BookishTrish @ Between the Lines


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