My policy is here

I can't wait to hear from you!

Also if you're a YA author and are interested in being involved with an Indie August event I'm planning please email me!!

I need books to review and give away! I also want some of you lovely people to interview!!

Char :)

Monday, 15 April 2013

***Poetry I've Written*** Untitled 1

I know it's Monday, and I normally add the poetry on Sunday but I'm running late this week (busy weekend. All is awesome though :D). Also it turns out Happy Char tends to be too happy to write. Who knew? Not me anyway!! I do have a little something for you all though: 

My darkest secrets come tumbling out,

You hear me cry, you hear me shout.

When happiness reigns and all is calm,

It’s like the words never existed at all.

 A drop in the ocean and all truth collides,

A massive explosion outing hatred and lies.

The pain starts to fade but memories remain,

Shards of  discarded agony, never quite slain.

The light shines through, erase my heart,

Then there’s no way for the old life to fall apart.

In a sea of tears, the hurt is set free,

Tomorrow’s the day I find the new me.

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