My policy is here

I can't wait to hear from you!

Also if you're a YA author and are interested in being involved with an Indie August event I'm planning please email me!!

I need books to review and give away! I also want some of you lovely people to interview!!

Char :)

Monday, 23 May 2011

Girl, Aloud by Emily Gale

On the Back of the Book

This is serious.
This is BIG.
Dad has finally lost it.

He's entered me for The X Factor.

This would be slightly less of a crisis if:
1. I could sing.
2. Any tiny bit of me actually wanted to be a star.
3. I hadn't lost my two best friends to a boy in brown boots.

Inside I'm screaming, I just wannabe... me!

My Thoughts

Girl, Aloud has one major flaw: the blurb. You read the back of the book and this sounds like a nice, light, fluffy novel, but it isn't. The story of Kass Kennedy deals with a couple of pretty heavy issues: a mentally ill parent and adultery in fact. This story isn't one to be taken lightly.

The misleading blurb aside, this is a really good book. The issues it raises are dealt with sensibly in a realistic manner and not the insane ramblings of someone looking through rose tinted spectacles. The X Factor may be at the heart of this story but the family whose lives are described are anything but normal.

I also found the use of KT Tunstall's 'Other Side of the World' quite profound because in a way that's exactly where all the characters are in regard to each other.

My Rating

4 stars - It's not the perfect book but it's pretty close. I thoroughly recommend this to readers of YA who are looking for something a little deeper than books like Twilight.

A Final Note

This book does contain swearing, so it's not one for a younger reader despite what it says on the publishers website.

Also I thought I'd post a link to Kass' audition song, Other Side of the World by KT Tunstall -

  • Book Summary from the back of the book

  • Image from Google

  • Song is a youtube link

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