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Char :)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Dancing In My Nuddy-Pants by Louise Rennison

On the Back of the Book

The Sex God's friends think I'm a bit weird. I don't know why. I've always been the height of sophisticosity around them.
  • Apart from the time Dom asked what I wanted to do at college and I said, "Backing dancing"...

  • And when I danced around in front of his dad because I thought he was a talent spotter...

  • And when I put my fot through Dom's bass drum...

  • But apart from these minor hiccups I've exuded sophisticosity, I like to think.
My Thoughts

I love this series (I think I may have mentioned this in my previous reviews) but for me this is the weakest so far. It wasn't as funny as the previous books. I found the lack of major events really made the book lose some of it's humour. I just want to prove my point on the major event front, in book one Georgia was trying to woo Robbie, in book two she had to win him back after he dumped her and in book three there was the whole Angus and Naomi fiasco. In this book there isn't really anything like that.

When it comes to characters I don't think there was anywhere near enough of Dave and I missed Sven's weirdness. I was upset to see Rosie miserable, that's not good. Saying all that though, Georgia's narration is still very amusing and I love how much of a drama queen she is.

Even though it's down in quality compared to the rest of the series this is still a really good book. I did notice a couple of grammatical errors that slipped through the net. There are many, many laughs contained within the pages. The quality of this diary series is far superior to that of, say, The Princess Diaries, which I find drags more.

My Rating

4 Stars - A solid read. It's perfect to take to the beach when it's nice or just to read anywhere really. Essentially I'm telling you to read it.

A Final Note

Lets just say that this book isn't 100% clean. It's not major swearing but I personally wouldn't give it to anyone under 13.
  • Book summary from the back of the book
  • Image from Google

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