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Char :)

Saturday, 24 September 2011

***Review*** Candy and the Broken Biscuits Candypop #1 by Lauren Laverne

On the Back of the Book

This cannot be my life.

*****THE PLAN*****

  • Stop Mum marrying the World's Boringest Stepdad tm
  • Track down BioDad for Happy Ever After
  • Achieve world domination with my band
  • Enlist supernatural Fairy Godbrother to assist in the above*

*Not part of the original plan but you've got to roll with the punches.

There must be something better. Something bigger, louder, faster, MORE...

Pre Read Thoughts

I found this in my local branch of The Works. They have this 3 for £5 offer on a massive range of paperbacks and I use it as an opportunity to try books I normally wouldn't read. Two things attracted me to the book: 1. The cover, I love the guitars. I love books about wannabe music artists and music lovers so I had a feeling I'd like this. 2. The synopsis, It's really quirky and I love quirky ones because they intrigue me and I'm curious. The reason I've started reading this is because my mum has demanded that I read a "happy book". I think she may be a bit bored of the Cassandra Clare rants...

Post Read Thoughts

I really liked the story of this. It did take a few chapters to get going as the author found her stride with the plot though. I've decided to forgive her though as this is her debut novel and there are bound to be a few teething issues. The plot isn't too serious and is a bit far-fetched but I liked that. It was a nice escape from the more serious YA that I've been reading (If you can call Mortal Instruments 'serious' that is). There were quite a few laugh out loud moments. I also really liked the writing style and the fact that I didn't have to put too much energy into reading it.

I loved all the characters. I'm going to start out with my personal stand out character: Holly a.k.a. Pirate, Candy's best friend, crazy person and legend. She's easily one of my favourite characters of the year. Moving on to the MC Candy, I enjoyed being in her head, she was funny without trying too hard to be. There were some scenes where I just had to laugh, even though it was really late at night. I can't move on until I've mentioned the other important character though, Clarence B Major: Candy's Fairy Godbrother. First of all: What a name! It's awesome, I never thought I'd see a character called Clarence. I think he's crazy cool, he's absolutely 100% bonkers but I do like him, he's the character that made me giggle the most.

Overall this is a quick, fun, easy read. The writing's simple to understand, the pace improves the further in the story you get, the characters are hilarious and I personally adored the plot. I quickly want to to point out that the joke about Candy feigning lactose intolerancy when people get all cheesy made me smile. It's one of my favourite jokes, I use it all the time. Not that anyone gets it when I do...

My Rating

4 stars - This is a solid debut novel. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The further in I got the more it grew on me. This was a great bargain buy that I don't regret buying. I'm now so excited for the sequel. What could possibly happen next to Candy Caine?

A Final Note

There's no content that you need to worry about, I just wanted to apologise if this review doesn't make sense. I wrote it at midnight and I've just edited it as best I can.

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